On Tuesday 26th September, Inaphaea BioLabs hosted an official launch event at its offices at MediCity Nottingham, supported by Bionow.
Since opening the lab and office facilities on the old Boots site, Inaphaea has been busy establishing and building beneficial partnerships and relationships to help establish a thriving tCRO. Now, six months in, it was felt an ideal time to publicly launch the facilities and services being provided and to meet some of the scientists making it happen.
The event was attended by neighbours and industry professionals to collaborators and partners, all keen to network and share ideas. Tours of our laboratory with the recently acquired scientific assets from Imagen Therapeutics were enjoyed by all those wanting a closer look at what Inaphaea has to offer.
The guests were welcomed to the event by BioNow’s Stella James and Inaphaea’s Head of Strategic Development Dr Andrew Carnegie.
We were then treated to some fascinating showcases courtesy of Peter De’Ath, Head of Client Management for HistologiX‘s, Natassja Bush, Managing Director of Inspiralis Limited, Steve Trim, Founder and CSO of Venomtech Ltd and finally Claire Thompson Founder and CEO of Agility Life Sciences.
Each speaker has kindly allowed us to upload a copy of their presentation, so if you were unable to join us on the day, or would simply like to remind yourself of the presentation, please see the slides below available to download at your leisure.
We concluded the event with presentations from our own keynote speakers. Consultant Dr Gareth Griffiths spoke about patient-derived cells in drug discovery and Chief Scientific Officer Cathy Tralau-Stewart discussed drug discovery attrition and the role of human-based cells in drug discovery.
Once again, thank you to all those who attended our BioLabs launch and a special thanks to the keynote speakers, company showcase speakers, and to BioNow for helping us make this event a great success.
Take a look at some photos from the event below: